On the occasion of the participation of Oltremare S.p.A. to the ninth edition – Year 2015 of the Premio regionale per la Buona Imprenditoria Marchigiana “VALORE LAVORO” (Regional Award for the Good Marchigiana Entrepreneurship “VALORE LAVORO”), we are proud to announce that we are the winners of the Prize for “Buone Pratiche Aziendali 2015” (Good Business Practices 2015) received by Regione Marche and of the Prize for “Sicurezza sul lavoro” (Occupational Safety) received by the FEDERATION MAESTRI DEL LAVORO D’ITALIA – Marche Region’s Consulate.

The “Premio Valore Lavoro” is an initiative promoted by the Marche Region with the aim of sharing, between companies, citizens and institutions, good practices realised in favor of human resources within the Marche Region entrepreneurial organizations.

The second special award, instead, has been assigned to us because we have invested significantly, beyond the regulatory requirements, in the protection and improvement of the occupational safety.

We are honoured to have received this recognition because we strongly believe that a safe and a welcoming working environment acts as an incentive for our employees to work effectively, more willingly and committed.